OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents Help

Connect Design Parameters

Locate the design parameters that you want to be used by the Optimizer to modify the parametric models. Parameters need to be Slider nodes. Slider nodes allow specification of a range and a resolution for the parameter, thus giving full control over the parameter space to users. The Optimizer's GA uses the range and resolution to encode the parameter into the chromosome.
Slider input property Used by Optimizer Ignored by Optimizer
Value yes (set to push values into the model) no
Minimum yes (range delimiter) no
Maximum yes (range delimiter) no
Resolution yes (parameter resolution) no
SnapToTicks no (only for user interaction) yes
TickInterval no (only for user interaction) yes
TicksVisible no (only for user interaction) yes

The size of the parameter space for the optimization process is:

  • p.Maximumk: Slider k's Maximum property
  • p.Minimumk: Slider k's Minimum property
  • p.Resolutionk: Slider k's Resolution property

k = 1 to n for the parameters in the Optimizer's Parameters input property,

n : dimensionality of the parameter space.

Simple example —with 6 parameters of assumed average range and resolution:
Parameter Minimum Maximum Range Resolution Instances
1 10 20 20 - 10 = 10 1 11
2 0.0 1.0 1.0 - 0.0 = 1.0 0.05 21
3 -180.0 180.0 180.0 - -180.0 = 360.0 15 25
4 10.0 50.0 50.0 - 10.0 = 40.0 2.5 17
5 -45 45 45 - -45 = 90 5 19
6 0.0 10.0 10.0 - 0.0 = 10.0 0.5 21

S p = 11 * 21 * 25 * 17 * 19 * 21 = 39,171,825

When adding Slider node instances to the Parameters input property, GC will start a list when the second parameter is added. For a single parameter that in itself is not a list, it is necessary to surround the slider's name with curly brackets { } to meet the requirement that the input is a list.